
Mathu Vadalara Movie is released in the year 2022. Mathu Vadalara is on Drama based movie where you can enjoy watching these types of categories. The Director of this movie is Ritesh Rana.

Check out the more movies released by the same director of this movie Ritesh Rana.

The main hero and heroine and a few important actors and comedians of this movie are Sri Simha Koduri, Athulya Chandra, Naresh Agastya.

If you are a Drama type movie lover then you will enjoy watching it.

If you are a fan of Naresh Agastya then also do check these movies too. (Newly Released Movies)

Movie NameMathu Vadalara
Hero NameNaresh Agastya
Heroine Name Athulya Chandra
Director NameRitesh Rana
Cast CrewSri Simha Koduri, Athulya Chandra, Naresh Agastya
Release Date25 December
Available LanguageTelugu
Box Office Collection

So, this is the little info about the Mathu Vadalara movie. If you want to check out more of Naresh Agastya, then check this post.

And if you are a fan of Athulya Chandra, check out these posts.

Mathu Vadalara has crossed over 2cr in the collection, in a short period of time. The highest collection of Mathu Vadalara is about 2cr by now. (This data is of July).

Here are the latest songs of Mathu Vadalara that are available to watch on youtube. You can check or listen to the songs of Mathu Vadalara from the link available here. Top Songs of the Mathu Vadalara.

Here we have the Mathu Vadalara review, for more information about entertainment do follow the ibomma website. For mp3 songs do check the related post of this movie here.

NOTE: This site iBomma.app will provide reviews of Telugu ibomma movies that are released newly this year. Stay connected and get notifications of the new movies with the push notifications available on this site.

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Mathu Vadalara Mp3 Songs

Mathu Vadalara songs are available to listen to now on the ibomma website. Here on this site, you can find the Mathu Vadalara mp3 songs mass Tamilian. To listen to the lyrics of the Mathu Vadalara songs, check below the songs with the song titles.

Here we have also listed the information about the Mathu Vadalara movie ibomma. If you are interested in knowing more about the movie and movie info you can check them above.

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Mathu Vadalara Naa Songs Mp3

Mathu Vadalara naa songs are available here in 12 different formats like mp3 format which is mostly used on all devices. WAV format, OGG format, FLAC format, M3U format, ACC format, WMA format, MIDI format, AIF format, M4A format, MPA format, and PLS format.

Mathu Vadalara movie songs are well made with beautiful lyrics and awesome background sounds. Mathu Vadalara movie songs are sung by the famous singers in all over south India.

The singer in this movie is Kala Bhairava and others.

The number of songs in this ibomma new movie is listed below.

  1. Mattu Vadalara Niddura
  2. Saalaa Rey Saalaa
  3. Mathuvadalara (Theme)

So, these are the few songs from the Mathu Vadalara naa songs ibomma.

For more songs like Tollywood songs, Bollywood songs, Kollywood songs, sandalwood songs, and many other south Indian and north Indian film industries, do visit the ibomma site, here we do provide the information about the latest ibomma movies, movierulz new movies and the latest naa songs or music of the movies.

Mathu Vadalara Lyrics

(Movie) movie lyrics are available in different languages to listen to or to read in the text format. If you are a lyrics lover then do check out the below song lyrics.

For more songs, you can follow us on Telegram, and other social media.

The alternatives of the ibomma lyrics site are as shown.

paagal lyrics, pagali world hub, naa songs, naa music, naa lyrics, naa site music, Naa songs new, Telugu dub lyrics, Hindi dub lyrics, English dub lyrics, short film lyrics, Hindi lyrics, Telugu lyrics, Kannada lyrics, Tamil dub lyrics, Tamilian lyrics, Malayali lyrics, and much more.

Details of Mathu Vadalara song lyrics?

Mathu Vadalara song lyrics are known for the song in the readable text format, the song lyrics of this movie are as follows.

Mattu Vadalara Niddura lyrics are shown below to read or sing.

Saalaa Rey Saalaa lyrics are shown below to read or sing.

Mathuvadalara lyrics are shown below to read or sing.

Song Lyrics 1

Apaayammu Daatadaanikupaayammu Kaavaali

Andakaaramalaminapudu Veluturukai Vedakaali

Mundu Choopu Lenivaadu Yendunaku Koragaadu

Somariyai Kunuku Vaadu Sookshmammu Grahinchaledu

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Aa Mattulona Badite Gammattuga Chittavuduvuraa

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Jeevitamuna Sagabhaagam Niddurakae Saripovu

Jeevitamuna Sagabhaagam Niddurakae Saripovu

Migilina Aa Sagabhaagam Chittasuddi Lekapovu

Ati Nidraa Loludoo Telivi Leni Moorkhudoo

Ati Nidraa Loludoo Telivi Leni Moorkhudoo

Paramaartham Gaanaleka Vyarthamgaa Chedataadoo

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Saaginanta Kaalam Naa Anta Vaadu Ledanduru

Saagakapote Ooraka Chatikilabadipoduru

Kandabalamutote Ghanakaaryamu Saadhinchaleru

Buddhi Balamu Todaite Vijayammu Varimpagalaru

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Chuttu Muttu Aapadalanu Mattu Betta Boonumuraa

Chuttu Muttu Aapadalanu Mattu Betta Boonumuraa

Pirikitanamu Kattipetti Dhairyamu Chepattumuraa

Kartavyamu Nee Vantoo Kaapaaduta Naa Vantoo

Kartavyamu Nee Vantoo Kaapaaduta Naa Vantoo

Cheppadame Naa Dharmam Vinakapote Nee Karmam

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Aa Mattulona Badite Gammattuga Chittavuduvuraa

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Song Lyrics 2

Apaayammu Daatadaaniki Upaayammu Kaavaali
Andhakaaramalaminapudu Veluturukai Vedakaali
Mundhuchoopu Lenivaadu Endunaku Koragaadu
Somariyai Kunukuvaadu Sookshamammu Grahinchaledu

Mattu Vadalara Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa
Mattu Vadalara Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa
Aa MatthulonaBadithe Gammatthuga Chittavudura
Mattu Vadalara Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Jeevithamuna Sagabhaagam Niddurake Saripovu
Jeevithamuna Sagabhaagam Niddurake Saripovu
Migilina Aa Sagabhaagam Chitthashuddhilekapovu
Athinidraloludu Telivileni Moorkhudu
Athinidraloludu Telivileni Moorkhudu
Paramaardham Gaanaleka Vyardhanga Chedataadu
Mattu Vadalara Niddura Mattu Vadalara

Saaginantha Kaalammu Naa Antha Vaadu Ledanduru
Saagakapothe Ooraka Chathikilabadipodhuru
Kandabalamu Thote Ghanakaaryamu Saadhinchaleru
Buddibalamu Thodaithe Vijayammu Varimpagalaru
Mattu Vadalara Niddura Mattu Vadalara

ChuttuMuttu Aapadalanu MattubettaBoonumuraa
ChuttuMuttu Aapadalanu MattubettaBoonumuraa
Pirikithanamu Kattipetti Dhairyamu Chepattumura
Karthavyam Nee Vanthu Kaapaaduta Naavanthu
Karthavyam Nee Vanthu Kaapaaduta Naavanthu
Cheppadame Naa Dharmam… Vinakapothe Nee Karmam

Mattu Vadalara Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa
Aa MatthulonaBadithe Gammatthuga Chittavudura
Mattu Vadalara Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Song Lyrics 3

Apaayammu Daatadaanikupaayammu Kaavaali

Andakaaramalaminapudu Veluturukai Vedakaali

Mundu Choopu Lenivaadu Yendunaku Koragaadu

Somariyai Kunuku Vaadu Sookshmammu Grahinchaledu

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Aa Mattulona Badite Gammattuga Chittavuduvuraa

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Jeevitamuna Sagabhaagam Niddurakae Saripovu

Jeevitamuna Sagabhaagam Niddurakae Saripovu

Migilina Aa Sagabhaagam Chittasuddi Lekapovu

Ati Nidraa Loludoo Telivi Leni Moorkhudoo

Ati Nidraa Loludoo Telivi Leni Moorkhudoo

Paramaartham Gaanaleka Vyarthamgaa Chedataadoo

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Saaginanta Kaalam Naa Anta Vaadu Ledanduru

Saagakapote Ooraka Chatikilabadipoduru

Kandabalamutote Ghanakaaryamu Saadhinchaleru

Buddhi Balamu Todaite Vijayammu Varimpagalaru

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Chuttu Muttu Aapadalanu Mattu Betta Boonumuraa

Chuttu Muttu Aapadalanu Mattu Betta Boonumuraa

Pirikitanamu Kattipetti Dhairyamu Chepattumuraa

Kartavyamu Nee Vantoo Kaapaaduta Naa Vantoo

Kartavyamu Nee Vantoo Kaapaaduta Naa Vantoo

Cheppadame Naa Dharmam Vinakapote Nee Karmam

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Aa Mattulona Badite Gammattuga Chittavuduvuraa

Mattu Vadalaraa Niddura Mattu Vadalaraa

Alternatives of ibomma

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Search queries of the SSR Movies are SSR Movies in, SSR Movies com, SSR Movies rocks, and soo on.

So, these are the few most searched Movie sites list that are available online. And also, turn on our post notification to get updated with the new movie reviews.

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